Each September/October, Exams Training host a series of events across the country developed specifically for exams officers focusing upon exam regulation changes for the new academic year and how these will impact upon exams officers and senior leaders within their centre.
Although these events are open to all exams officers, those who are new to the role may find some of the content challenging unless they have attended the new exams officer training or experienced at least one exams series.
Senior leaders/line managers are also encouraged to attend these events alongside their exams officer. This can serve as the initial meeting between the exams officer and their senior leader/line manager and an opportunity to consider the impact of any changes on their roles and centre.
Subject matter experts from The Exams Office will deliver content which:
- highlights and explains changes in JCQ publications for the new academic year
- summarises changes/updates from key stakeholders including the DfE and Ofqual
- addresses issues which have emerged from the previous summer's exam series
If time permits, the content will also consider a specific JCQ publication or regulation and provide advice, guidance and best practice in implementing these regulations within their centre.
This training event is an ideal opportunity to network with colleagues, for an exams officer and their senior leader/line manager to meet and consider the impact of the changes upon their role/centre and to ask our experts questions which are specific to your role/centre.
There will also be a demonstration of the latest support available from the National Association of Examinations Officers (NAEO) and The Exams Office.
All events start at 09:00 (registration from 08:30) and finish by 16:00
Delegate questions and poll results
Please download a list of questions (and answers) and poll results from the 2024 series of training events: